
Had you told 25 year old me that 40 year old me would be teaching yoga to adults instead of reading and writing to 5th graders, I’m not sure if she would have believed you. I tried my first yoga classes at the YMCA in the beginning of college and as I plowed through the beginnings of adulthood, I kept circling back to the practice. When my body felt neglected or cranky, I would find a class somewhere. When anxiety and depression started to creep up on me, I would dip back in. Learning how to move and breathe, even to think differently, eventually followed me into my “real life” and I knew I had found something that I needed in my day to day.  In 2015, ready for a big, fat lifestyle change, I enrolled in the Living Yoga Program in Austin to deepen my knowledge of yoga and become a different kind of teacher.

As a teacher of yoga, I am anchored in the belief that what we are doing is more than “just stretching”, but a practice in strength, balance, connection and peace. Understanding that yoga looks different from one body to the next, we explore different modifications or challenges in class to make the practice fit you, not to make you fit into a particular box. You do not need to be flexible. You do not need a certain type of body. You do not need to be a particular age. You do not need to be “zen”.

You just need to show up.

Are you down?